Our History

Established in 1889

Founded in 1889 with Rev. A.D. Cohen as pastor, a group of pioneers built the church into a healthy congregation and the construction of the first church building in 1892.

Worshipers, who were committed to serving God, traveled on mostly dirt roads, arriving on horseback or with horse-drawn wagons and buggies. The church grew with Titusville, as the city soon became the county seat for Brevard where citrus groves dominated the economy.

A History of Service

Many First Baptist members served in the armed services during the Second World War. This included four church pastors entering the U.S. military as chaplains -- Rev. Marshall Mines, Rev. James Southerland, Rev. James T. Mashbum and Rev. Loys Frtnk.

In the aftermath of World War II, America’s efforts to develop rockets during the Cold War and as NASA began the exploration and utilization of space, First Baptist Church and Brevard County transformed economically and socially.

Part of the Community

In 1949, the church broke ground on its new sanctuary, which was completed in 1954.

The space program transformed Brevard County economically, culturally and socially. Engineers and other workers hired by the federal government began moving into Titusville and surrounding cities. Titusville, a small town nestled alongside the Indian River, jumped in population as thousands of people arrived, buying up property.

For many, First Baptist became a spiritual home through the Apollo and space shuttle programs that followed, creating an overflow eased by five services on any given Sunday.

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